G. J. Schmid

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1770 - 1845
Still active? no

Gerhard Janssen Schmid, born on July 28, 1770, in Logabirum, was a prominent organ builder who established the Oldenburg branch of the Schmid organ-building family. Although he operated primarily from Oldenburg after moving there in 1811, his work was mainly concentrated in East Frisia. Schmid came from a well-known family of organ builders; his father was Ihno Eylard Schmid, and his son, Johann Claussen Schmid, and grandson, Johann Martin Schmid, continued the family tradition after his death in 1845.

Schmid is credited with several significant organ projects in East Frisia. Notably, he built a two-manual organ with 14 registers in Strackholt between 1798 and 1799, which has since been expanded and restored, making it one of the largest village organs in the region. He also constructed smaller organs in Logabirum (1812-13) and Landschaftspolder (1814). His work extended beyond new constructions, as he also carried out numerous repairs and modifications on existing organs, including notable projects in Buttforde and Dedesdorf. Schmid's legacy is marked by his contributions to the organ-building tradition in northern Germany, particularly in East Frisia.

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