Fischer & Krämer

Keckstraße 1, 79346 Endingen am Kaiserstuhl, Germany 🇩🇪
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1970 - 2019
Still active? no

Fischer + Krämer Orgelbau was a German organ-building company founded in 1970 by organ builders Friedrich Wilhelm Fischer and Johannes Krämer in Endingen am Kaiserstuhl, Baden-Württemberg. The company specialized in the construction and restoration of organs. After the passing of Johannes Krämer, the business was continued by Georg Fischer under the name Fischer + Krämer Orgelbau GmbH from June 2004.

The company was well-regarded in the field of organ building, but in 2019, it began the process of liquidation, marking the end of its operations. Fischer + Krämer Orgelbau left behind a legacy of craftsmanship and numerous completed organ projects.

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