E. Sauer

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1799 - 1873
Still active? no

Carl Adolph Ernst Sauer (1799–1873) was a German organ builder in Friedland. Born in Karlsburg, he was the tenth child of a blacksmith. He initially followed in his father's footsteps, becoming a master blacksmith. In 1820, Sauer moved to Schönbeck near Friedland and purchased a smithy, later marrying Johanna Christine Sumke. Sauer's career took a significant turn in 1835 when he, an autodidact, built an organ for the local church, impressing local authorities and leading to financial support for his further education in organ building.

In 1838, Sauer established his organ-building workshop in Friedland, transitioning from blacksmithing to organ building full-time. Despite early challenges and controversies, such as issues with an organ in Neubrandenburger Marienkirche, he expanded his operations, including opening a branch in Deutsch Krone in 1845. His son Wilhelm Sauer later took over and established his own successful firm. Ernst Sauer was innovative, often experimenting with new techniques like Kegelladen organs and using zinc pipes, though his methods sometimes resulted in structurally unstable instruments. He operated his workshop until 1870 and passed away in 1873.

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