E. Evers

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1588 - 1630
Still active? no

Edo Evers was a 17th-century organ builder who worked in the Dutch-German border region around the Dollart. Although little is known about his life and background, it is believed that he originated from Groningen and apprenticed under Marten de Mare, a prominent organ builder of the time. Evers was active primarily in East Frisia from 1616 to 1630, living in places like Emden and Jever. His work extended to various regions, including a potential connection to an organ builder paid in Noordbroek in 1627, who may have been Evers himself.

Evers is most renowned for his organ built in Osteel in 1619, which stands as the best-preserved Renaissance organ in Northern Germany. Additionally, his work in Norden has left a lasting legacy, with eight of his original organ stops still surviving. Despite the scarcity of detailed biographical information, Evers's contributions to the field of organ building during the Renaissance period remain highly valued, particularly in the preservation of historical instruments.

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