D. Köhne

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1828 - 1878
Still active? no

Daniel Köhne, born Johann Heinrich Daniel Köhne on December 26, 1828, in Copenhagen, was a distinguished Danish organ builder who originally trained under his father, a master carpenter from Brunswick. His career in organ building began after an apprenticeship in Germany with August Troch in Neuhaldensleben, followed by employment with Christian Sölter in Schöningen. Returning to Denmark in 1855, Köhne worked for Jens Gregersen before establishing his own workshop in Copenhagen in 1857. Tragically, his initial endeavor was setback by a fire that destroyed his workshop, but he persevered, rebuilding his workshop and home where he continued to create organs.

Köhne's reputation flourished when Niels W. Gade, a composer and organist, advocated for him to build a new organ for Holmens Kirke, which was in dire need of repair. This opportunity led Köhne to undertake a study trip to Paris in 1863 with financial support from the Reierske Fonds, to learn from Aristide Cavaillé-Coll, a master of the French romantic organ. Following his return and the death of his employer Gregersen, Köhne took over maintenance responsibilities for several significant organs in Copenhagen. He completed the celebrated new organ for Holmens Kirke in 1871, earning acclaim and leading to further prestigious commissions, such as the organ for Viborg Cathedral. Köhne passed away on March 17, 1878, at the age of 49, and was buried in Copenhagen, leaving behind a legacy as one of Denmark’s leading organ builders. His workshop continued under the name "A. H. Busch & Söhne" after his death.

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