C. Vater

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1679 - 1756
Still active? no

Christian Vater (1679-1756) was a prominent German organ builder from Hanover. He initially trained under his father Martin and later as an organist before joining the workshop of the renowned organ builder Arp Schnitger in Hamburg from 1697 to 1702. After gaining valuable experience, Vater established his own workshop in Hanover in 1702. He delivered his first organ to Langenhagen in 1703. Vater's expertise and connections, particularly through his role as an organist at the Neustädter Hof- und Stadtkirche St. Johannis in Hanover, helped him build a reputable career. Over his lifetime, he constructed 36 organs, with notable projects in Darmstadt's Schlosskirche and Amsterdam's Oude Kerk.

Vater's works, characterized by their adherence to Schnitger’s style, were known for their well-thought-out and refined construction. His organs were highly regarded for their quality, durability, and similarity in design. The organ he built in Bockhorn in 1722, for example, was noted for its excellent condition and considered one of the best in the region even many years after its construction. Vater also built stringed keyboard instruments, including a well-preserved single-manual harpsichord from 1738, now housed in the German National Museum. His legacy continued through his son, also named Christian Vater, and extended to other prominent organ builders like Wilhelm Heinrich Bethmann. Archival records related to Vater's work and his descendants can be found in the City Archives of Hanover.

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