C. Donat / Donati

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1625 - 1706
Still active? no

Christoph Donat, born on September 30, 1625, in Marienberg and died on August 14, 1706, in Leipzig, was the founder of a notable organ-building dynasty. His early career saw him assisting Matthias Tretzscher in building the organ for the Stadtkirche in Bayreuth in 1653. By 1662, Donat had settled in Leipzig, obtaining citizenship, and began taking on significant repair and construction projects, including the repair of Tobias Weller's organ in the Stadtkirche Weißenfels in 1663.

Donat succeeded Johann Diettrich as the court organ builder in Altenburg from 1665 to 1690, where he was responsible for maintaining various keyboard instruments in the ducal court, including organs and harpsichords. His work included expanding the "Kleine Orgel" in the Thomaskirche, Leipzig, in 1683 and modifying the 1617 Compenius organ in Markranstädt in 1689. Donat's influence extended beyond organ building, as he was also involved in producing clavichords in his Leipzig workshop. His legacy continued through his sons, particularly Christoph the Younger and Johannes Jacobus the Elder, who followed in his footsteps in the organ-building craft.

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