C. A. Randebrock

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1825 - 1876
Still active? no

Carl August Randebrock (born December 2, 1825, in Recklinghausen; died June 22, 1876, in Paderborn) was a notable German organ builder active in the latter half of the 19th century across Niedersachsen, Westfalen, and Lippe. The son of innkeeper Franz Joseph Randebrock and Anna Maria Pennekamp, Carl was baptized on December 4, 1825. He likely trained as an organ builder with Wilhelm Kramer in Dülmen and worked as a foreman for Franz Wilhelm Sonreck starting in 1851. In 1854, after seeking a recommendation from the pastor of Albaxen, he established his own successful organ workshop in Paderborn.

Randebrock's workshop produced around 100 organs between 1854 and 1876, including three that were exported overseas to Detroit, Bahia in Brazil, and Sandhurst in Australia. He married Elisabeth Brake and had four children. After a prolonged illness, Randebrock passed away in June 1876. His business was inherited by his nephew Rudolph Randebrock, who had been working in the workshop. Rudolph managed the workshop until 1888, eventually handing it over to his foreman, Carl Tennstädt, and later returned to Recklinghausen, where he worked as a merchant until his death in 1893.

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