B. Goebel

Königsallee 151-153, Königsberg, Kaliningrad, Russia 🇷🇺
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1860 - 1944
Still active? no

Bruno Goebel (* October 6, 1860, in Landsberg, Upper Silesia; † October 20, 1944, in Reitendorf, Sudetenland) was a German organ builder in Königsberg. His workshop created approximately 200 organs, mainly in East Prussia, but also in West Prussia, Lithuania, Silesia, and other locations.

Around 1875, Bruno Goebel apprenticed under Anton Czopka in Rosenberg, Silesia. In 1882, he worked with Urban Kreutzbach's son in Borna, Saxony, before moving to Heidelberg. He then worked with Schlag in Silesia and Heinrich Koulen in Strasbourg, where he became familiar with the intricacies of French organ building. Goebel married in Silesia in 1886. He subsequently worked with Kuhn in Switzerland and G. F. Steinmeyer in Bavaria in 1890. In 1892, he became the manager at József Angster's workshop in Pécs, Hungary.

In 1894, Bruno Goebel took over Johann Rohn's workshop in Wormditt, East Prussia. That same year, he built the first organ in Arnsdorf. In 1898, he acquired Max Terletzki's organ-building establishment in Königsberg and initially named it Max Terletzki Nachf., Inhaber B. Goebel, Orgelbau-Anstalt. By 1930, approximately 240 new constructions and major renovations had been completed. Around 1931, due to the economic crisis, the company had to close and was reopened in 1932 as Bruno Goebel Söhne. Until 1944, about 60 additional new constructions and renovations were carried out.

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