Aquilino Amezua

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1847 - 1912
Still active? no

Aquilino Amezua y Jaúregui, born on January 4, 1847, in Azpeitia and passing away on October 20, 1912, in San Sebastián, was a pivotal figure in Spanish organ building during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His initial training began in the family workshop under the guidance of his father, Juan Amezua, alongside his three brothers. At the age of 16, Aquilino ventured to Paris to further his expertise, training under the renowned organ builders at Stoltz workshops and studying pipe construction with Zimmerman and harmonization with Bubié. His education also covered the innovative use of electricity in organs, studying with the inventors at the House of Welte.

Upon returning to Barcelona in 1884, Aquilino established his own organ factory, Amezua Organs. His reputation flourished after he received a commission in 1886 to construct a monumental organ for the 1888 Universal Exhibition in Barcelona. He also expanded his operations to Pasajes de San Pedro, where he notably built the organ for the Cathedral of Sevilla. In 1905, he relocated his workshop back to Azpeitia and later to Hernani in 1912, where he continued to produce organs for major cathedrals such as Santander, Valladolid, and Oviedo. After his death, the company continued as Amezua y Cía. Throughout his career, Aquilino Amezua trained and influenced a new generation of organ builders, leaving a lasting impact on the craft through both his innovations and his disciples.

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