A. Laukhuff

August-Laukhuff-Straße 1, 97990 Weikersheim, Germany 🇩🇪
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1823 - 2021
Still active? no

The Aug. Laukhuff GmbH & Co. KG, based in Weikersheim, was the world's largest supplier of organ parts. Founded in 1823 by Martin Andreas Laukhuff, who trained under Johann Eberhard Walcker and worked with his son Eberhard Friedrich Walcker, the company quickly established a reputation for excellence in organ building. Martin's three sons, August, Andreas, and Adolf Laukhuff, continued the business, each contributing uniquely to its development—August specialized in organ parts, Andreas in business management, and Adolf in artistic aspects. By the 19th century, the company had expanded its reach internationally. Andreas Laukhuff standardized and cataloged organ parts, earning the title of Commercial Councilor for his efforts.

After World War II, Otto and Wilhelm Laukhuff rebuilt the company from its wartime destruction. The subsequent generation, Hans-Erich (†2012) and Peter Laukhuff, led the company until 2011. Magnus Windelen took over management from 2012 to 2017, followed by Tobias Schröter and Alexander Laukhuff, who managed the business starting in October 2017. Despite filing for insolvency in 2014, the company was successfully restructured and resumed operations later that year. In 2017, they expanded by acquiring the piano and grand piano keyboard manufacturing division of Otto Heuss. However, the company faced another financial struggle in 2021, undergoing protective shield proceedings but ultimately ceased operations on June 30, 2021, after failing to find an investor. Notably, Aug. Laukhuff housed one of the few remaining cinema organs—a 1947 Möller organ—which was put up for sale in May 2022 due to the company's insolvency.

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