J. A. Berner

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1723 - 1768
Still active? no

Johann Adam Berner (1723–1768) was a prominent organ builder of the late Baroque period, hailing from a well-known organ-building family in Osnabrück. He learned his craft in his father's workshop and eventually moved his operations to Jever, where he undertook significant projects, including a large three-manual organ that was unfortunately destroyed by fire in 1959. Berner's career was marked by his ambitious projects, which sometimes led to delays and legal disputes, suggesting he may have overextended himself in his planning. Despite these challenges, he made substantial contributions to the field, particularly in northern Germany.

Berner's most notable surviving work is the organ in the St. Florian Church in Sillenstede, built between 1752 and 1757. This instrument originally had nine registers in the Hauptwerk, five in the Brustwerk, and an attached pedal. Although it underwent modifications in the 19th century and further changes in the 20th century by Alfred Führer, a restoration in the 1990s largely returned the organ to its original Baroque sound. Other works by Berner include organ projects in Weene, Pogum, Osteel, and Marienhafe, where his craftsmanship and stylistic influences from Westphalian traditions are evident in the visual and acoustic design of the instruments. His work demonstrates a blend of his local influences and his family's legacy in the organ-building tradition.

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